
SB Electronics is a modern company, but we have very old fashion thinking about the quality! The most important service that we provide to our customers is the uncompromising and stable quality.
We are very proud to share with you an intern company information, which our competitors are not sharing:
The reclamations to us based on all of our sales in the last 10 years are under than 0,1 %!
For the last 5 years this % is absolutelly 0, sold parts and turn over (usd) - tens of millions !!!
We have nothing more to say about our quality, we let our quality to talk about us!!!

On Stock
We have huge assortment of electronic components on stock in Bulgaria and Asia and we are ready to ship immediately and give you special prices.
If you are a producer and you want to secure your supplies over the whole year with no need to invest own capital and warehouse space, we are the right partner for you. We can keep a buffer stock reserved only for you and cover your needs during the year.
Please learn more about the benefits of having long-term partnership with SB Electronics little further below.
Strong logistic and short lead times
We have special preferential agreements with all the reliable logistic partners in the world and also with customs agency and wharehouses in Asia and Europe Union!
We need only 2 to 3 working days(including transportation time +customs procedure) to transfer to Bulgaria needed stock parts from Asia, ours or from a partner source.
Such short lead times practically unite almost physically our warehouses in whole Asia with the Bulgarian one!
Logistic has its definition, we just follow it: The science of planning, organizing and managing activities that provide goods keeping fixed quility.

Global independent sourcing and procurement
We have strong ability in short-term and "hard to find" supplies!
As independent distributor we have no restrictions of regional franchise agreements and we are able to supply components from across the world. If we don't have the requested parts on stock, we can easily deliver them using our worldwide network of sources including:
Manufacturers; Distributors; Brokers and excess stocks.
Our purchasing team will meet your needs, checking quickly and reliably critical markets in Europe, Asia and America!

Reducing costs
As a supplier we never forget, that our success depends on the success of our customers, that is why reducing their costs is a priority for us!
We have a strong support from our supply chain partners built over the years with trading history, this combined with a great logistic provide us the ability to offer our customers the most competitive prices on the market.

Excess management
Excess components loose value over time and ties up your capital and warehouse space!
If you have excess stock from the last couple of years ,we can help you to convert it into a capital inflow.We can buy your excess stock or offer you consignment or commission contract and bring it profitable on the global market.
We have the right tools:
- Paid memberships of high-priced specialized international IT platforms.
- Intern system, which includes large number of end customers, buying brokers and other distributors.
- Confidential company methods for checking the demands of particular components all over the world.

Long-term partnership
Being independent and private company allows us to take much more flexible business decisions about investments in products of different brands, placing frame orders and keeping on stock.
We ensure our supply chain starting from the manufacturer of components and ending to the factory of our customers. We have an excellent private relationship with all our sources and we can keep a close eye on our frame orders. But since the financial crisis 2007- 2008 everyone in the branch knows, that sometimes frame orders are not stable, because too long factory lead times can not be trusted.
To guarantee long-lasting prices and warehouse availability for our regular customers, we have the best possible service for them- we are keeping all needed electronic components for the whole year as buffer stock in Bulgaria and Asia!
For sure this brings tons of benefits for them:
- They can easily plan the production during the whole year! This makes the business stable, but also reduce the producing costs.
- By not investing in own stock, they have fresh capital to develop the production and be able to start much more new projects. A nice bonus is also the warehouse optimization: They use no warehouse space for raw materials, but it is specialized only for their own end products.
- They increase their wins having the opportunity to accept unplanned shortage orders. Having almost unlimited resource 24/7 on our sock gives them unbeatable advantage on the market.
- Buffer stock reduces costs: Getting whole quantity of different parts in one drop or as less as possible single deliveries saves a lot of shipping costs and improves buying prices, because they are based on much bigger volume.
- Keeping buffer stock and having strong personal relationship with our regular customers is good advantage also for our new customers, because when we have orders for the same parts, we can ask to share our buffer. Not to forget the better prices in this case!
This is huge advantage, because the most of our buffer stock includes universal components with large diapason of use in many different branches, very often there is a deficit of them on the market and they are extremely hard to be found on stock.
At the end of every calendar year we plan in-and-out the next one together with our customers, we add new part numbers to our buffers for their new projects and fix prices and quantities! We are real partners in business, in the truest sense of the term!
Now is a perfect time to present you our next service:

We analyze the market for our customers
For us is not enough to serve our customers with solid procurement management. We are always close to them and care about their business finding solution for every problem coming on the horizon.
We are always a step ahead being prepared for the next calendar year with market research:
Constantly we are getting fresh updates from our sourcing network for all the parts, which we supply and for our business segment generally:
- Risk of allocation
- Price speculation and changes
- Upcoming new better products and technologies, which may reduce ours and customer's costs
- Corporate changes by the manufacturers and distribution worldwide
- Relocation of production of components
- Economic environment
- Market tendencies
- Administrative and low changes in Europe, Asia and America.
We pay attention of every small detail, which can take effect to our business.
Side by side with our customers we are looking to the future having the solutions in advance!
© Copyright 2019 All rights reserved for SB Electronics.