We offer complete range of products : from active, passive and electromechanical components to memory and specialty products. Yes it does not look like a regular product line, because we are not catalogue distributor and we don't want to show you fixed assortment of goods.
We can supply any electronic component from the world’s most reliable manufacturers for virtually any application including: automotive, personal computing and storage, white goods, safety and security systems,lighting, mobile/wireless, telecommunications, medical, smart technologies, consumer electronics and so much more.
As independent distributor we have no restrictions of franchise agreements and we are able to work with all known manufacturers of electronic components across the world.
In this meaning please consider our line card not as a limited list, but just like a basic overview with manufacturers, which we partner with the most.
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We are loading only our current stock offer, not the whole assortment of parts, which we keep on stock for our customers.
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As you found out -we have literally no limits! Please contact us and allow us to show you what we are capable to do!

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