Contact SB
SB Electronics is available 24/7 for you!
Coordination of our business with Asia, America and Europe requires our employees to have extremely fast and reliable communication in most of the time zones worldwide.
You can be sure, that we will meet your needs on time, anytime!
You want to learn more about our services or particular business process, please e-mail us: contactus@sbelectronics.eu
You need stock pricing or you want our purchase team to check for you the markets across the world, just ask for a quote at: sales@sbelectronics.eu
You have excess stock of electronic components, then please send us a list with part numbers and quantaties at: excess@sbelectronics.eu and we will answer with an individual offer for you.
If you have а business proposal or your request requires а management decision, you can contact directly our CEO:

Stanimir Botev
Mobile: 00359 898 66 59 02
SB Electronics EOOD
Hristo Botev blvd. 11A
6400 Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria
Vat-Nr.: BG200662810
© Copyright 2019 All rights reserved for SB Electronics.